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The Way Home- Week 2 Recap

Writer's picture: Monica KlineMonica Kline

Standing at the Door

This week we learned about the beautiful bond between Naomi and Ruth.  Their relationship was special, impacting each other’s lives in significant ways. Ruth came to know God through her relationship with Naomi. At first, Ruth was more aware of Naomi than she was of God. However, God used Naomi in such a mighty way that led Ruth to make the decision that “Your God will be My God.”  

If someone were to ask me who has been a Naomi in my life, my mom would be top of the list. Ever since I was young, she has always pointed me towards Jesus. Many years ago my mom shared an analogy that has always stuck with me. She asked… where is Jesus in your car? Is He is your trunk, living with you but stuffed in the back compartment where it is nearly impossible to hear him? Or is He in the back seat? Occasionally you will look in your rearview mirror and notice Him.  What about your passenger seat? Do you feel close to Him, talking to Him about your plans and where youhave decided to go? Is He driving the car; taking you places and speaking into your future? Or have you given Him the keys? Allowing HIM to take over completely and drive your car?

As I look back on my life, Jesus has been in all different parts of my car. For years it was more of Him chasing my car before I would ever allow Him in.

I grew up in a home where going to church every Sunday was expected. It was part of the fabric of our family. I knew that church was a non negotiable. Living under my parents home meant I followed their rules. My mom has always had a deep faith in Jesus.  I often felt a spiritual covering with her by my side. For years I was convinced my mom had God’s private phone number.   I relied on my mom’s prayers… thinking if she was praying, I didn’t need to. If something major happened I would reach out to her first and ask HER to pray for me.  Each week we went to church, but deep within I felt like I HAD to go. If I am being honest, I really didn’t WANT to go. It felt more of a duty, something “good” people would do. Church attendance seemed to be the criteria for being a Christian. As I would sit in pews I would tap my feet wondering how much longer.  My mind would always wander.  I never understood what was being said up front, so instead I would focus on the uncomfortable seats. Church became an activity we did as a family. My body was there but my heart was far from it…

With my mother’s encouragement I went to Young Life Summer camp. One evening I sat in a packed auditorium full of students. As I scanned the room, all I could see was a sea of kids singing songs and worshipping Jesus. There was something different in that room. I couldn’t “see” what it was but I certainly could feel it. A rush of emotion swept over me and tears started to fill my eyes. Then the pastor took a moment to ask one question. A question that would change everything... 

“Would you like to invite Jesus into your life? Do you want Him to be your personal Savior?” Then silence…………

In using the car analogy, this would be the moment of opening your car door and allowing Jesus to come inside.  

I have grown up in church my whole life. I remember at age 5 kneeling by my bedside and praying to Jesus but this time it felt different. This time I knew what I was saying. I not only wanted Jesus, I needed Him. In order to be my Savior, I first needed to realize I needed to be saved.  So I knelt down to say “yes” to Jesus. The moment I did, I knew something changed. I felt different. The best way to describe it was…  I felt alive. From this point became personal

Life with God is full of ups and downs. Times when He seems distant and other times up close and personal. In retrospect I can now see that most of the times when He felt distant, I had Him in my trunk. I didn’t take intentional time to foster a deep attachment with Jesus. When a crisis would happen in my life, He had my attention. When things were good, I hit the cruise control and placed Him neatly in the back seat.

Opening my car door to Jesus allowed the Holy Spirit to come into my life. With the Holy Spirit living inside of me,  my heart started to change.  It wasn’t about religion, it was a relationship. Instead of leaning on my mom’s faith, I was developing my own. Church attendance shifted from a “have to” to a “want to”. I wanted to be there as I desired to learn more about Jesus… my heart needed it.

So what about you? Where is Jesus in your car? Could He be chasing your car, trying to get your attention?  Is He tapping on your window and asking to come in? No matter where He is, take time to notice Him. Notice where He is and the ways He may be encouraging you to give more of yourself to Him. When you do, you will experience the deep attachment that changes everything.

“Behold, I stand at the door and continually knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him [restore him] and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20

Have a blessed day!



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